Dangers looming on the Lebanese horizon Order and formula under threat

Dangers looming on the Lebanese horizon Order and formula under threat

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For nearly two years, Lebanon has been in a state of an impasse at the political and economic levels. There is a major decline in Arab and international confidence in it, as Arab and European countries, along with the United States, see that “Hezbollah” dominates Lebanon and confiscates the sovereignty of the country. Arab and international aid have been withheld from Lebanon; though it has long been accustomed to receiving foreign aid, as the resumption of that aid has been tied to harsh conditions, which seem to be difficult for the state to meet. This includes reforms and revisions at the political, legal, social and economic levels Add to that combating corruption and preventing smuggling in all its forms.

In light of the aforementioned, Lebanon is currently threatened with demise or changing or modifying its political system, which is currently based on a kind of balance between its sectarian components, making the balance tilt in the interest of one party at the expense of the rest, in a country based mainly on what is known as “democratic consociationalism”, and on the charter that gives sects a kind of immunity or “veto”, knowing that this matter made them stronger than the state and its institutions.

Consequently, Lebanon faces imminent challenges at the present time, and imminent dangers in the near future, with the absence of any signs of solutions on the foreseeable future. The most prominent of those challenges, the potential risks, the causes and how can they be faced, and the expected scenarios for the coming period are the focus of this report.

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