Navigating Turkey's Diplomatic Landscape with Hard Power

Navigating Turkey's Diplomatic Landscape with Hard Power

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Hard Power, also known as coercive power, involves the use of military or economic force to influence the behavior of other countries or entities. This can include threatening or actually using military force, deploying it for deterrence, and imposing economic sanctions. This power is related to a country's military strength and economic resources, and its ability to wield influence through dominance or intimidation.

Türkiye aims to develop its hard power in parallel with its soft one and diplomatic efforts to neutralize threats and seize opportunities for expansion in its vital sphere, all while safeguarding its national security. Over the past decade, Türkiye has made significant strides in advancing its defense industries, reaching a diverse range of countries and regions with its arms sales, including the Arabian Gulf states, the Caucasus, and Africa.

The report sheds light on the most prominent aspects of Türkiye's use of its hard power, its prospects, limitations, and how it aligns with its soft power and diplomatic efforts. This hard power has become one of the key tools that now characterize Türkiye's foreign policy.
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