«PLO» in the face of alternative Palestinian entities: Potential opportunities and possible scenarios

«PLO» in the face of alternative Palestinian entities: Potential opportunities and possible scenarios

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This paper addresses the evolution of the relationship between the Palestine Liberation Organization and the factional and popular components seeking to reform the institutions of the organization, or to create an alternative entity that adopts a political program that leads the national project and reflects all the components of the Palestinian people and their aspirations.

In an effort to promote understanding of that relationship between the Palestine Liberation Organization and other Palestinian forces, the paper addressed the historical background to the factional and popular conflict and new developments in the current Palestinian landscape. The paper also addressed the reasons that hindered the entry of many Palestinian political factions and entities under the umbrella of the Liberation Organization, and the tools used by the latter in the face of any attempts to threaten the existence of those in charge, or seek to reform its institutions.

Given the Palestinian political environment, the paper reviewed three scenarios that would shape the future of that relationship between the Liberation Organization and opposition forces. The continuation of the status quo was more likely of a scenario than other ones, for reasons related to the internal and regional potential possessed by the liberation Organization, and the perceived fragility and disintegration of the Palestinian opposition forces.


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