How Could China Capitalize on Ukrainian Conflict in Advancing a Multipolar World ?

How Could China Capitalize on Ukrainian Conflict in Advancing a Multipolar World ?

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In the intricate dance of geopolitics, the Ukrainian conflict's reverberations have sent ripples far beyond its borders. This paper embarks on a journey to explore the shadows this war casts upon China's ambitious roadmap towards global prominence. As the world's eyes are fixed on Eastern Europe, China maneuvers with finesse, weaving a tapestry of strengthened ties with Russia—savoring the advantage of cheaper oil imports in the wake of the sanctions Russia faces. Yet, this isn't merely a tale of commerce. China, akin to a seasoned diplomat, attempts to bridge the chasm between Russia and Ukraine, painting itself as a peacemaker. The narrative further delves into China's grand design, pillars that hold its aspirations to mold a world of many epicenters. And as Russia's footsteps fade in regions like the Middle East and Africa, the paper highlights China's artful move to fill those voids, expanding its sphere and imprinting its influence.

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