The Future of ISIS between the possibilities of recession and expansion

The Future of ISIS between the possibilities of recession and expansion

903 view

The fall of many ISIS leaders in Syria, Iraq and several African countries over the years 2020-2022, in parallel with the rise of the Organization's activity in the same period in several regions, raised many questions about the prospects of the rise or fall of this Organization in the coming period.  

Data and follow-ups of the ISIS's security and military activities during the years 2020-2022 indicate an increase in its military activities in three burning hotspots of the world, Afghanistan, sub-Saharan Africa, and Mozambique, in addition to a slight decline in its operations in both Syria and Iraq. In the second quarter of 2023; however, it is back to escalation significantly.  

This study deals with strength and weakness factors of ISIS and with the likelihood of its expansion or decline, in light of the strategies it implements, in addition to the international and local environment in which it operates  


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